International Law
In his criminal law practice David has had to litigate international law issues concerning the arrest of clients overseas, the application of American law to events occurring in the foreign country of arrest, the requirements of consular notification when a foreign national is arrested in this country, extradition issues, treaty transfer issues, and he has advised on the application of American criminal law to foreign nationals arrested overseas or prosecuted overseas on racketeering laws modeled after America’s RICO statute. David also has had to travel overseas in Israel and Europe investigating cases and interviewing witnesses.
In David’s civil practice he has had to travel overseas and learn international commercial practices and differences in laws primarily in connection with the defense of trademark infringement allegations and the operation internationally of the secondary market in luxury goods.
David I. Schoen, Attorney at Law has developed a practice in International Law related both to his criminal law practice and his civil litigation practice.
Over the past several years, David has devoted a great deal of time and energy litigating cases as lead counsel under the federal Anti-Terrorism Act on behalf of American victims of terrorism. David has litigated cases against the Syrian government, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and the Palestinian Authority. This work has required discovery and investigations overseas and the litigation of cutting edge issues of international law. In one recent case, David took the depositions overseas of one of the world’s most treacherous arch terrorists and his second in command, along with many others. One major case for which David served as lead counsel, litigating critically important and complex pre-trial issues, and then associated a large firm for the trial, resulted in a jury verdict in 2015 on behalf of the American victims, with damages to be awarded in an amount still to be determined, somewhere between $655 million and over $1 billion.
In 2015, David has been approached about taking on certain pressing international human rights issues, including a matter concerning tribal rights in South Africa and addressing U.S. and international law issues related to the BDS movement.
Please contact David I. Schoen, Attorney at Law for a consultation so that we can investigate your claim and initiate the necessary legal action ( 334) 395-6611.